Contact Details

To report news tips or breaking news, email the newsroom or use our anonymous tip form.

To join The Flat Hat, please see our “Joining The Flat Hat” page.

To submit a letter to the editor, contact our Editor-in-Chief directly. Submissions are subject to edits, per our opinions philosophy.

Corrections may be submitted at any time. Please contact the Ombudsman at [email protected]

If you would like to file a complaint, please click here to fill out our complaint form, and our Standards and Practices Editor will review it.

For advertising information, see our advertising page.

If you would like to send us physical mail (discouraged unless absolutely necessary), please use the address below:

The Flat Hat
Org 101
P.O. Box 8793
Williamsburg, VA 23187

General email contact information:

Editor-in-Chief: [email protected]
Managing Editor: [email protected]
Executive Editor: [email protected]
Digital Media: [email protected]
Operations Coordinator: [email protected]
Advertising: [email protected]
News: [email protected]
Variety: [email protected]
Sports: [email protected]
Opinions: [email protected]
Videos: [email protected]
Photos: [email protected]
Copy:  [email protected]
Ombudsman: [email protected]